Artistic Works

The Cottonwood Florileglium (2022)

Unbecoming (2022)

Loom Telling (2021)

Music by Sam Wells

Video by Max Harper

The Fig and The Wasp (2021)

Excerpt 1: ‘Cara hurts her big toe’ [Layered Trumpet Recordings]

Excerpt 2: ‘Huge Sound’ [Trumpets, Drums, Electronics]

Excerpt 3: Final Scene: “Tree Growing”

Memory Palace (2021)

Cabinet (2021)

Video by Sam Wells

Composition by Sarah Belle Reid

Performance by Christopher Biggs, Sam Wells

Thethyscape (2021)

Video by Sam Wells

Music by Ben Richter

Translucent Cartography (2021)

Video by Sam Wells

Electronics by Adam Vidiksis

Performance by Sam Wells, Adam Vidiksis

202102252300 (2021)

Video by Sam Wells

Peroformance by Sam Wells and Sarah Belle Reid

25/02/21, part one (2021)

Video by Sam Wells

Peroformance by Scott L. Miller, Adam Vidiksis, Sam Wells

+ ± (2021)

Video by Sam Wells

Peroformance by Sam Wells and Christopher Biggs

polymyth No. 645 (2021)

Out of Focus (2020)

Video by Sam Wells

Music by Alex Buck

mimenrosp (2020)

a moment indicative of a possibility (2020)

Four Winds (2020)

part and parcel (2020, rev. 2022)

The Lacuna (2017)

Anamnesis (2017)

Light is Like Water (2016)

stringstrung (2014)

Leander’s Swim (2013)

minong (2012)

Teaching Materials and Documention

Teaching Videos

password: samwells
