Invisible Museum (2024)

web app installation


Presented by Little Artists League
Zou-no-hana Terrace,Yokohama, Japan
April 7, 2024

Adam Vidiksis and Sam Wells, co-creators

presentation notes

Art Exhibition "INVISIBLE MUSEUM- Searching for Something Invisible and Important" will be held in Yokohama from March 30, 2024!

New art works by LITTLE ARTISTS LEAGUE, a global art team involved in diversity art, will be exhibited at ZOU-NO-HANA Terrace. Now applying for the Yokohama Triennale Support Program. Special needs kids are invited to the workshop for free.

LITTLE ARTISTS LEAGUE, a global art team that uses art to solve social issues, will hold a workshop with blind and visually impaired children at ZOU-NO-HANA Terrace (operated by Wacoal Art Center Inc.), one of Yokohama's creative neighborhood centers. The theme of the exhibition is "INVISIBLE MUSEUM - Searching for Something Invisible and Important" which was inspired by a workshop with blind and visually impaired children.

Due to the popularity of the "INVISIBLE MUSEUM: Searching for Something Invisible and Important" exhibition held in February 2023, this exhibition will be held in an upgraded version. In addition to art exhibits and hands-on workshops, there will be live performances and talk shows by a blind singer and a gospel singer.

April 7 Urgent visit to Japan! Talk & Demonstration of "Color to Sound System" Development

(Cooperated by aeroidio (Sam Wells & Adam Vidiksis))

Sam and Adam from Temple University, the developers of the system, will come to Japan urgently to talk about the development of the system using MAX, demonstrate the connection with VIVI WARE, and give a concert!

What is "Color to Sound System"?

The development of the "Color to Sound System" was triggered by the experience of viewing art with a blind person. At a previous exhibition, we invited Dialogue in the Dark attendees and challenged them to "view art with a blind person. Normally, it is forbidden to touch the artworks, but when we touched the artworks and explained what kind of flowers they were, we thought, "I can't understand the colors even if I touch them, and I wish I could convert the colors into sounds". At the LEAGUE workshop, participants were amazed when their artwork produced sound. In fiscal year 2023, we received a grant from the Foundation for Children's Education for a Heart-Rich Society, which will enable us to further develop the project and to support the VIVIVA VIDA LEAGUE. We were able to work on better development, and were also able to develop a version using the VIVI WARE color picker gadget.

Development cooperation: Aeroidio (Sam Wells & Adam Vidiksis) / Blue Carbon Sound / VIVI WARE

Development grant:  Children's Foundation for A Brighter Future
